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Troubles with OpenVPN on iOS

on in Linux

OpenVPN Connect app screenshot

Recently an official OpenVPN app for iOS was released. I immediately installed it on my iPhone to try it out.

I have OpenVPN 2.1.4 running on my OpenWrt router and the certificates are generated by easy-rsa.

I read the OpenVPN Connect documentation and started configuring the app. The easiest way is to use Itunes for transfering the required keys and certificated to your phone. However I have no pc’s running OS X or Windows to my disposal a the moment so that was not an option. Luckily the OpenVPN Connect app also supports importing the keys & certificates by opening them from the email app on iOS.

So I created a p12 file with help of the OpenSSL tools available on Ubuntu. I emailed them together with the .ovpn configuration file of my router to my phone. On the phone I opened both files and imported them in the OpenVPN app.

I started the app and tried to connect. That’s when the first error message appeared:

2013-01-22 20:05:10 ----- OpenVPN Start -----
2013-01-22 20:05:10 EVENT: CORE_ERROR PolarSSL: error parsing ca certificate : X509 - The certificate format is invalid, e.g. different type expected [ERR]
2013-01-22 20:05:10 Raw stats on disconnect:
2013-01-22 20:05:10 Performance stats on disconnect:
  CPU usage (microseconds): 11989
  Network bytes per CPU second: 0
  Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 0
2013-01-22 20:05:10 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----
2013-01-22 20:05:10 EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING

After some searching I ended up at this post where somebody has the same problem.

I believe the problem is described by this quote:

On iOS in particular, OpenVPN is NOT able to access the CA list included in PKCS#12 files that were imported into the iOS Keychain.

A suggestion is given how to circumvent this problem: add a ca directive in the .ovpn file.

ca ca.crt

Then I emailed the separate ca.crt to my iPhone and imported in the keychain on the phone, tried again and… a new error:

Missing/bad file : ca.crt : cannot open...

What I believe is happening: the OpenVPN Connect app is looking for a ca.crt file in it’s own sandbox but is not searching the keychain. Possibly a bug but I can’t say for sure.

Because I wanted to use this app I followed another suggestion to add the contents of the ca.crt file as inline content to your .ovpn file. The ca certificate should be be between two <ca> tags. I edited the file and mailed it again.

Now the iPhone OpenVPN app could read and parse the certificate authority certificate. All was well… except I got another error:

2013-01-30 11:22:35 ----- OpenVPN Start -----
2013-01-30 11:22:35 EVENT: CORE_ERROR option_error: tls-remote not supported [ERR]
2013-01-30 11:22:35 Raw stats on disconnect:
2013-01-30 11:22:35 Performance stats on disconnect:
CPU usage (microseconds): 37629
Network bytes per CPU second: 0
Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 0
2013-01-30 11:22:35 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----
2013-01-30 11:22:35 EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING

And again Google came up with a post at the (excellent) OpenVPN forums. Apparently the option tls-remote is not supported in the 1.0 release of the app. In the upcomming 1.0.1 release it should work.

I believe if I would remote the tls-remote option from the .ovpn file I could finally use the app on my phone but by this time I had enough of it so I quit my attempts…
