=> nerds only A blog on rails, php, computing, my bass guitar and stuff

Awstats troubles

on in Linux

I installed awstats on server but I wanted to access the same stats via multiple url’s. So I added a regex to the hostalias (via /etc/awsts/awstats.conf.local). Newly added domains worked just fine. But already generated domains did not responds to...

smartmontools and sata harddisks

on in Linux

I reinstalled my server and I wanted to use smartmontools to monitor my disks (the last time one of them crashed). But the smartmont deamon wouldn’t start. By adding the following in /etc/smartd.conf the problems was solved:


Samba, Pam, winbind & the AD

on in Linux

This I had to add to smb.conf

workgroup = TIMONLINE
netbios name = linuxbak
netbiosname = linuxbak
idmap uid = 10000-20000
idmap gid = 10000-20000
template shell = /bin/bash

Ubuntu 6.10 and vsftp

on in Linux

Well, today I had to reïnstall VSFTPD. Our server crashed and I had to reïnstall a new one.

While reinstalling VSFTP I saw that the last time I did not write anything down. So for my the next time:

Send linux mail to an external email adress

on in Linux

Today I looked in the mail records of my linux server and I saw all this crap. So I decided to send all the local mail to my normal email account. This is what I had to do:

Make sure this is in: /etc/aliases:


Ruby on rails, apache en mongrel

on in Development, Ruby

De laatste tijd ben ik wat met Ruby on Rails aan het kutten. Om te ontwikkelen heb ik intern een lokale server opgezet. Omdat geen van de configuraties die ik op internet vond voldeden aan mijn eisen heb ik er zelf één gemaakt.

Eerst Ruby installeren...