=> nerds only A blog on rails, php, computing, my bass guitar and stuff

Week reports

on in Other

Last week I started my new job at TIM as I have mentioned in one of my previous posts.

Schools demands that you write a report every week where you track your progress, evaluate the planning you’ve made etcetera. So, this is week two and I’m already...

CVS testsite

on in Development

I’ve installed a cronjob which downloads the newest version of Mambo CVS and installs it on the server. You can see it at work here.

Header script almost done

on in Development, PHP

Friday, I was too early at school and I filled up that time with finishing the header script. It is now almost finished and really cool. The script looks in a directory for pictures and picks one randomly. The picture is then cropped to the right dimensions...

Banner development

on in Other

What a busy day it has been. This was the fourth day at my new job. Since monday I’ve been working at Tim_online. But I’ll tell more about that maybe this weekend. When I’ll probably have some sparetime. If I can, I’ll add the logo of TIM to this item...

Never mess...

on in Other

OK, here’s a golden tip which everybody knows: don’t mess with a live server! Yes, I did and I know regret it. I didn’t write much but all I did write is gone. But on the other hand: I can start all over and do it better. And I’ve got a subject to...

XHTML validation

on in Development

I was so proud of the XHTML validation about this site that I placed a link to the W3C validatior in the footer. But I didn’t realise that Mambo doesn’t generate valid XHTML though. At least not until version 5.0. So until the content of this site...

What to publish

on in Other

OK, the site is live now (again). After picking a Content Management System, learning CSS, making a template and refreshing my php-skills the difficult part is yet to come: placing content and keeping the site up-to-date.

And what content should I...